Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Reebok - 50 Cent Ad

Reebok - 50 Cent Ad

Colour -The poster is entirely black and white. This could be done for several reasons such as: making the reader have an emotional connection, represent 50 cent's dark past. The way the colour is used creates a serious mood that focuses the reader's attention. The fact that white text on a black background is  used makes the text easily readable and catches the readers attention quicker; it gets straight to the point quicker than coloured posters (if too many colours being used).

Framing - On the left side of the poster, 50 cent is framed in a close up so that his face expression can be seen much clearer and the reader can feel more intimidated; the tilted head movement expresses an aura of dominance shown by 50 Cent. Furthermore, on the other side a close up of fingerprints can is shown for the same effect.

Composition - The whole poster is presented as split-page. The text remains on the right side of the poster expect the 'I AM' from the text: 'I am what I am'. The reason for this is because 50 cent makes it seem like he is saying these words himself to the reader.

Size - The poster is in landscape. Both images are equal in terms of size 50/50. This is important as it provides an equal representation of the overall meaning. The poster shows that the company represents the urban representation but also shows a celebrity. The size shows that every person has to work to achieve glory.

Type of shot - 2 close ups were used in this poster. This has been deliberately deployed to show the journey to fame. The poster also shows that the company has a clear representation of the urban culture. 50 cent is framed in a close up so that his face expression can be seen distinctively and the reader can feel more intimidated; the tilted head movement expresses an aura of dominance shown by 50 Cent. Furthermore, the close up of fingerprints can is shown for the same effect.

Subject matter -50 cent & Reebok has a clear allegiance in terms of advertising. The poster shows that the company represents the urban representation but also shows a celebrity. The size shows that every person has to work to achieve glory. 

Lighting - Low key, under-lighting is apparent in this poster, The way the lighting is used creates a serious mood that focuses the reader's attention. The fact that lighting on the images makes the text easily readable and catches the readers attention quicker; it gets straight to the point quicker than coloured posters (if too many colours being used).

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