Nike Advert - Explosive Speed
Colour - The poster is mainly dark coloured with straks of orange. This could be done for several reasons such as: making the reader have an emotional connection, representing Neymar's trickery. The way the colour is used creates a determined mood that focuses the reader's attention. The fact that white text on a dark background is used makes the text easily readable and catches the readers attention quicker; it gets straight to the point quicker than coloured posters (if too many colours being used).
Framing - The main character is in the centre of the poster with the writing on the left hand side. This enables the character to stand out as it draws the attention of the audience. Furthermore, on the other side the text is placed to show the same effect.
Composition - The whole poster is trying to promote the overall preferred meaning (Hall). The text remains on the left side of the poster. The reason for this is because someone is commenting on Neymar attributes.
Size - The poster is in landscape. It establishes the scene of a football pitch.
Type of shot - A close up
Subject matter - Neymar & Nike
Setting - Unknown, dark scene, Sports Pitch.
Lighting - Low key, under-lighting.
Pose - The main subject of the poster is placed in front of the camera.