Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Nike Advert - Explosive Speed

Nike Advert - Explosive Speed

Colour - The poster is mainly dark coloured with straks of orange. This could be done for several reasons such as: making the reader have an emotional connection, representing Neymar's trickery. The way the colour is used creates a determined mood that focuses the reader's attention. The fact that white text on a dark background is used makes the text easily readable and catches the readers attention quicker; it gets straight to the point quicker than coloured posters (if too many colours being used).

Framing - The main character is in the centre of the poster with the writing on the left hand side. This enables the character to stand out as it draws the attention of the audience. Furthermore, on the other side the text is placed to show the same effect.

Composition - The whole poster is trying to promote the overall preferred meaning (Hall). The text remains on the left side of the poster. The reason for this is because someone is commenting on Neymar attributes. 

Size - The poster is in landscape. It establishes the scene of a football pitch. 

Type of shot - A close up

Subject matter - Neymar & Nike

Setting - Unknown, dark scene, Sports Pitch.

Lighting - Low key, under-lighting.

Pose - The main subject of the poster is placed in front of the camera. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Reebok - 50 Cent Ad

Reebok - 50 Cent Ad

Colour -The poster is entirely black and white. This could be done for several reasons such as: making the reader have an emotional connection, represent 50 cent's dark past. The way the colour is used creates a serious mood that focuses the reader's attention. The fact that white text on a black background is  used makes the text easily readable and catches the readers attention quicker; it gets straight to the point quicker than coloured posters (if too many colours being used).

Framing - On the left side of the poster, 50 cent is framed in a close up so that his face expression can be seen much clearer and the reader can feel more intimidated; the tilted head movement expresses an aura of dominance shown by 50 Cent. Furthermore, on the other side a close up of fingerprints can is shown for the same effect.

Composition - The whole poster is presented as split-page. The text remains on the right side of the poster expect the 'I AM' from the text: 'I am what I am'. The reason for this is because 50 cent makes it seem like he is saying these words himself to the reader.

Size - The poster is in landscape. Both images are equal in terms of size 50/50. This is important as it provides an equal representation of the overall meaning. The poster shows that the company represents the urban representation but also shows a celebrity. The size shows that every person has to work to achieve glory.

Type of shot - 2 close ups were used in this poster. This has been deliberately deployed to show the journey to fame. The poster also shows that the company has a clear representation of the urban culture. 50 cent is framed in a close up so that his face expression can be seen distinctively and the reader can feel more intimidated; the tilted head movement expresses an aura of dominance shown by 50 Cent. Furthermore, the close up of fingerprints can is shown for the same effect.

Subject matter -50 cent & Reebok has a clear allegiance in terms of advertising. The poster shows that the company represents the urban representation but also shows a celebrity. The size shows that every person has to work to achieve glory. 

Lighting - Low key, under-lighting is apparent in this poster, The way the lighting is used creates a serious mood that focuses the reader's attention. The fact that lighting on the images makes the text easily readable and catches the readers attention quicker; it gets straight to the point quicker than coloured posters (if too many colours being used).

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Introduction to Media Studies

Why did you choose AS Media Studies?

I chose media because I have an ambition to become successful in the world of media. I want to become a correspondent, presenter or somewhere in the work of Production. To achieve this dream, I have chosen to take media studies in A levels.

Did you take GCSE Media Studies (either here at Greenford or a different school)?

I took GCSE Media Studies in Greenford High School.

If you answered yes to Q2, what grade did you achieve in GCSE Media? What coursework tasks did you complete? What would you say your strengths and weaknesses were in GCSE Media?

My level that I achieved is an A. My strengths were my coursework. My weakness was the test as the final question regarding a website was my potential downfall.

What grade do you hope to achieve in A Level Media?

I hope to get an A/A* in A Level Media.

What are your current thoughts about your next steps after A Levels - university, apprenticeship, work?

I would like to go into the production side of media but I also have an eye for becoming a Journalist or correspondant.

What do you think the biggest media story of 2016 has been and why?

I think the biggest media story in 2016 is the controversy in the United States regarding the election. The major arguement in a national scale between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton captured the world's attention

What media sources do you use to find out about news and current affairs?

I use the internet or the newspaper to find out about news and current affairs.

What was the last film you watched?

The last film that I watched is Imperium starring Daniel Radcliffe.

What is your favourite ever TV series?

My favourite TV series is The Flash.

How many hours do you spend online in an average day? Is this too little, too much or about right? Why?

I spend a lot of time online (mainly on Youtube). However I like to read about news online as well.