Thursday, 1 December 2016

My Presentation - Feedback


  • Nice starter activity - much more challlenging and effective than my version!
  • Engages class really well - confident, positive delivery with good use of humour
  • Clearly good research and key details are helpful 
  • Good to see history of history covered
  • Excellent research on the financial side - clearly shows what a huge institution Viacom is.
  • Excellent plenary
  • Students have definitely learned about Paramount
  • Too long and too much text or the slides
  • Like to see more focus on MTV as this is an important brand

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Representation: clip analysis - dominant and alternative representations

1) List the different people/groups represented in the trailer (men/women/Americans etc.)

Males - There were representations of males trying to take charge and control a specific situation. This is apparent in the scenes when the men are trying to forger a fight back against the terrorists. This is clear as the men are giving instructions towards women. Also, all the main jobs that has authority is occupied by men which also strengthens the argument that men are more emotionally stable.

Women - Women in this film are shown to be the inferior gender in terms of confidence. The were distinct representations of women seeking assurance from the male counterparts. They were also obeying instructions from the men in the film.

Middle Eastern - This origin is mainly shown to be the cause of the terror. People are afraid of these people; there is examples of culture stereotypes in this film. The middle eastern characters are shown to be the terrorists.

2) For each group, decide whether the representation is a dominant or alternative portrayal.

Males -  The film shows a dominant portrayal for men as they are taking control of the predicament that occured.

Women - The film shows a alternative portrayal with the characters having a dismissive role.

Middle Eastern -  The film shows a alternative portrayal for middle easterners as they are shown to be the cause of the predicament that occured.

3) What stereotypes can you identify in the trailer?
There are stereotypes shown for each group. Males are shown to be the people that always have to take charge and control a specific situation. In the movie, the main jobs that has authority is occupied by men which also strengthens the argument that men are more emotionally stable and have the better jobs. Women in this film are shown to be the inferior gender in terms of confidence. The were distinct representations of women seeking assurance from the male counterparts. The constant obeying from the men in the film indicates that women need the physical and mental assurance. The middle eastern characters are shown to be the terrorists.

Monday, 28 November 2016


Institution: brand values


Sum up the brand values in 100 words, making reference to Dyer’s lines of appeal
Nike is famous for its advertising as well as its athletes. They are the twin pillars of Nike promotion. The company does not hire athletes simply as mobile posters. They are the brand as much as products, advertising, or the people who work at Nike. Nike's advertising has been as diverse as its athletes. Much of it has featured top names, but not all. One example that is well-known for reaching out to the global audience is the campaign ‘Just do it’. Ordinary athletes, people who might not even describe themselves as athletes; have found direct inspiration from Nike advertising.

Distil the brand values into one sentence of no more than 10 words.
Promoting their brand with the use of inspirational campaigns.

Sum up the brand in ONE word.


Sum up the brand values in 100 words, making reference to Dyer’s lines of appeal
Adidas has a genuine respect for sport and this is apparent in its obsession for making the best performance products for athletes. The mission for Adidas is quite simply to become the "best sports brand in the world" and the leading performance brand in all competing sporting goods categories. The Adidas brand positioning is clear and distinct. This is achieved by producing the highest quality performance products at marketplace prices. Products will continue to be designed and developed to enhance the performance of all sports participants, irrespective of their age, gender or ability.

Distil the brand values into one sentence of no more than 10 words.
Adidas has an obsession of being the best sports brand.

Sum up the brand in ONE word.


Sum up the brand values in 100 words, making reference to Dyer’s lines of appeal
In the fast-growing world of e-commerce, there's Amazon and then there’s everyone else. Through Amazon Marketplace, it’s also created a vast village green where users can buy and sell items without ever leaving the site. It’s this breadth that has inspired customer loyalty that’s unparalleled among major retailers and increased Amazon’s brand value. The Amazon brand positioning is clear. This is achieved by producing the highest quality products for their marketplace prices. Products will continue to be sold in Amazon to enhance the loyalty of their customers.

Distil the brand values into one sentence of no more than 10 words.
Promoting their brand with the reliability of selling good products.

Sum up the brand in ONE word.

Beats by Dr Dre

Sum up the brand values in 100 words, making reference to Dyer’s lines of appeal
Beats Electronics comprises the Beats by Dr. Dre family of consumer headphones, earphones, and speakers as well as patented Beats Audio software technology and streaming music subscription service Beats Music.  The Beats by Dr Dre brand positioning is clear. This is achieved by producing the highest quality products for their target audience.

Distil the brand values into one sentence of no more than 10 words.
Providing the best headphones, earphones and speakers in the world.

Sum up the brand in ONE word

Monday, 3 October 2016

Media Consumption Audit


Which daily newspapers (if any) do you read?

What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why?
Sport -  I have an interest in the field of sport, especially Football.

What sections do you never read, and why?
Business -  I believe, at my age, the section is very boring.

What kinds of stories do you usually read and why?
I usually read stories in the front of the newspaper and the sport sections regarding football.

Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read?
No, I find it on the train or the bus.

Do you look at the online versions of any newspapers? Which newspapers? Why do you visit their website and not others?
I always go the internet to look at the latest stories as it keeps me updated. I usually check the sport websites as I find it reliable.


What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly?  Why
I don't buy them


Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television?
10 hours
What times of day do you usually watch television?
After School
What programmes do you like best and why?
Match of the Day, Daredevil, Ballers, Arrow,
Do you watch alone or with others? If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch?
Sometimes I watch with my family and I usually have the last laugh. However I usually watch TV shows myself.
Do you watch 'live' TV or on-demand/catch-up? Do you use any other devices to watch TV (such as laptop of tablet?)
I usual


Do you listen to the radio?
Yes, especially when I am in the car.
If yes, what stations do you like best and why?
LBC radio 97.3, BBC Radi live 5
Approximately how many hours a week do you spend listening to the radio?
3 hours
What times of the day do you usually listen to the radio?
2pm - 4pm in the weekends
Where do you listen to the radio?
In the car
What other activities (if any) do you do whilst listening to the radio?
On my phone


What films have you seen in the cinema in the last month?
The amount of films that I have seen in the last month was five.

What films have you seen in other places – for example, through rental, satellite film channels (free or otherwise) or through video-on-demand?
I mainly see films on satellite channels and video on demand.

Who else watched the films with you?
I watch films by myself most of the time.

Who decided what films to watch?
I decided for myself.

What devices do you typically use to watch films: TV, laptop, tablet, phone etc.?
The devices that I use is the TV or my laptop.


How often do you access the internet?
I access the internet everyday.
Where do you access the internet?  At home, at college or school, or at work?
I access the internet mainly at home but I also use the internet in school for work.
What are the main sites that you access?
The main site that I access is YouTube.
What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment?
The main reason why I use YouTube is because it provides entertainment but also you can work using the videos and tutorials.
What other activities (if any) do you do whilst accessing the internet?
I usually read the news online.
What different devices do you use to access the internet? What is your primary device for accessing the internet?
The devices that I use to access the internet is my phone, my tablet and my laptop.
What social networks do you use regularly (e.g. Twitter, Instagram)? Why do you belong to these networks in particular?
I usually use Instagram and Snapchat reguarly as they allow you to keep in touch with your friends.


How can you develop the amount and variety of media you consume?
By exploring the different aspects of Media to improve my understanding of Media.
What will you change in your media consumption habits this year as a result of studying A Level Media?
I would start to listen to the radio more as it keeps up to date with the latest news.
List three sources of media (websites/newspapers/apps/TV programmes etc.) that you will start to access this year that you haven't engaged with previously.
Click (BBC), Online revision classes, BBC News.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Nike Advert - Explosive Speed

Nike Advert - Explosive Speed

Colour - The poster is mainly dark coloured with straks of orange. This could be done for several reasons such as: making the reader have an emotional connection, representing Neymar's trickery. The way the colour is used creates a determined mood that focuses the reader's attention. The fact that white text on a dark background is used makes the text easily readable and catches the readers attention quicker; it gets straight to the point quicker than coloured posters (if too many colours being used).

Framing - The main character is in the centre of the poster with the writing on the left hand side. This enables the character to stand out as it draws the attention of the audience. Furthermore, on the other side the text is placed to show the same effect.

Composition - The whole poster is trying to promote the overall preferred meaning (Hall). The text remains on the left side of the poster. The reason for this is because someone is commenting on Neymar attributes. 

Size - The poster is in landscape. It establishes the scene of a football pitch. 

Type of shot - A close up

Subject matter - Neymar & Nike

Setting - Unknown, dark scene, Sports Pitch.

Lighting - Low key, under-lighting.

Pose - The main subject of the poster is placed in front of the camera. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Reebok - 50 Cent Ad

Reebok - 50 Cent Ad

Colour -The poster is entirely black and white. This could be done for several reasons such as: making the reader have an emotional connection, represent 50 cent's dark past. The way the colour is used creates a serious mood that focuses the reader's attention. The fact that white text on a black background is  used makes the text easily readable and catches the readers attention quicker; it gets straight to the point quicker than coloured posters (if too many colours being used).

Framing - On the left side of the poster, 50 cent is framed in a close up so that his face expression can be seen much clearer and the reader can feel more intimidated; the tilted head movement expresses an aura of dominance shown by 50 Cent. Furthermore, on the other side a close up of fingerprints can is shown for the same effect.

Composition - The whole poster is presented as split-page. The text remains on the right side of the poster expect the 'I AM' from the text: 'I am what I am'. The reason for this is because 50 cent makes it seem like he is saying these words himself to the reader.

Size - The poster is in landscape. Both images are equal in terms of size 50/50. This is important as it provides an equal representation of the overall meaning. The poster shows that the company represents the urban representation but also shows a celebrity. The size shows that every person has to work to achieve glory.

Type of shot - 2 close ups were used in this poster. This has been deliberately deployed to show the journey to fame. The poster also shows that the company has a clear representation of the urban culture. 50 cent is framed in a close up so that his face expression can be seen distinctively and the reader can feel more intimidated; the tilted head movement expresses an aura of dominance shown by 50 Cent. Furthermore, the close up of fingerprints can is shown for the same effect.

Subject matter -50 cent & Reebok has a clear allegiance in terms of advertising. The poster shows that the company represents the urban representation but also shows a celebrity. The size shows that every person has to work to achieve glory. 

Lighting - Low key, under-lighting is apparent in this poster, The way the lighting is used creates a serious mood that focuses the reader's attention. The fact that lighting on the images makes the text easily readable and catches the readers attention quicker; it gets straight to the point quicker than coloured posters (if too many colours being used).

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Introduction to Media Studies

Why did you choose AS Media Studies?

I chose media because I have an ambition to become successful in the world of media. I want to become a correspondent, presenter or somewhere in the work of Production. To achieve this dream, I have chosen to take media studies in A levels.

Did you take GCSE Media Studies (either here at Greenford or a different school)?

I took GCSE Media Studies in Greenford High School.

If you answered yes to Q2, what grade did you achieve in GCSE Media? What coursework tasks did you complete? What would you say your strengths and weaknesses were in GCSE Media?

My level that I achieved is an A. My strengths were my coursework. My weakness was the test as the final question regarding a website was my potential downfall.

What grade do you hope to achieve in A Level Media?

I hope to get an A/A* in A Level Media.

What are your current thoughts about your next steps after A Levels - university, apprenticeship, work?

I would like to go into the production side of media but I also have an eye for becoming a Journalist or correspondant.

What do you think the biggest media story of 2016 has been and why?

I think the biggest media story in 2016 is the controversy in the United States regarding the election. The major arguement in a national scale between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton captured the world's attention

What media sources do you use to find out about news and current affairs?

I use the internet or the newspaper to find out about news and current affairs.

What was the last film you watched?

The last film that I watched is Imperium starring Daniel Radcliffe.

What is your favourite ever TV series?

My favourite TV series is The Flash.

How many hours do you spend online in an average day? Is this too little, too much or about right? Why?

I spend a lot of time online (mainly on Youtube). However I like to read about news online as well.