Friday, 24 March 2017

MEST1 Section B: essay plan

Section 2: Broadcast - iLL Manors (trailers/music videos)
Talk about narrative structure, Todorov's theory of equilibrium - trailers aren't representative.
Political context synergy - Bloomler and Katz, Uses and Gratifications.

Section 3: Broadcast/e-Media - TEDx Lecture
Imaginative - contextuality with the film and characters. Different audience, white middle class, 'Guardian readers', social change and politics.

Section 4: Print - Branding
How was the brand constructed - MeS - setting, colour, image, font. CD packaging, DVD, film poster, billboards.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Ill Manors e-media: Tag London campaign

Summarise the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in 100 of your own words.
The Ill Manors Tag London is a campaign to promote the movie to a city-wide scale. This campaign is initially made to promote the movie however there is a clear positive repercussion with people expressing their opinions electronically on platforms such as Twitter. Additionally, the campaign has provoked a response as people used this hashtag as a chance to voice their opinions. The fact that it was being screened at major landmarks suggests that people that were generally not associated with the genre and the class are being notified about the hidden truths. This technique is a unique wayto promote the movie.

How does the Ill Manors Tag London campaign help to promote Plan B, the soundtrack and the film?
With the progression with the campaign, it has helped promote the film not only through the use of hashtags on Twitter itself, but also through their projection on landmarks throughout London. These techniques have allowed Ill Manors to be successful in terms of how the gross is compared to the budget.

What synergy (links) can you find between the Tag London campaign and other texts you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study?
One of the main aspects of synergy here are present between this campaign and the music video. The tweets that were posted during the campaign had themes that were very similar if not identical to what the Ill Manors music video had to offer in terms of opposition to the existing sense of establishment within the country. Not only this, but the campaign video also had scenes from the music one further showing the relationship between the two.

Why might user-generated campaigns like this be more successful than traditional media campaigns? Offer three different reasons UGC-driven campaigns are popular with media institutions.

Choose FIVE of the tweets above and for each one write what target audience the tweet could appeal to (demographics/psychographics) and then link the tweet to one other media text you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study (TEDx lecture, music video etc.) Justify your link for each tweet using examples from the film/promotional material.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Ill Manors e-media: social media research


How many 'likes' has the Ill Manors film page had

What is the top of the page promoting?
The top of the page is promoting the film that is in DVD. It is giving out information about the release of the film.
Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience.

The BRIT Awards is a major ceremony celebrating the British talent. The fact that Plan B was nominated is a big deal in terms od promotion of the film. This screengrab is promoting his nomination in the Brit Awards.
This screengrab is promoting the BFI Academy for younger kids to join to. This is important as it is providing young people a chance in a competitive society. 

Ben Drew 'Plan B' winning a MOBO prize gives the desired promotion needed to make this film a success. This award however was for the single which is also used to promote the film.

To give back to their audience, the film organisation has decided to have a film screening in a prison that they used. I find this intriguing as it provides a connection with their audience.

The British Independent Film Awards has nominated Ill Manors which celebrates their success. This is important as the word 'INDEPENDENT' is significant as the success of the film is greatly enhanced. This is promoting this Awards evening on their Facebook page.

Find three examples of synergy with other platforms (links to broadcast clips or newspaper/magazine articles). Explain how each one promotes the film.
There is a clear use of connections between NME and IllManors. A sense of synergy can be seen displayed in the magazine in how NME covered Plan B in their piece titled: 'Plan B attacks David Cameron over last year's riots.' The main link between this image and that article is that there's a sign saying 'PLAN B CALLED DAVID CAMERON A C**T!' and these views are the exact same that are seen in that same article.

This post could be said to link to the DVD extras of Ill Manors particularly in the sense that it discusses the emergence of 'untrained actors.' This is something we're shown in the extras with people like Sasha Gamble and Lee Allen not having any prior experience in acting but still being cast in the film.

The post above links in with the trailer in the sense that the exact same phrase we see in the beginning of the trailer is used in the description: 'We are all products of our environment. Some environments are just harder to survive in.


How does the Ill Manors Twitter feed use the Ill Manors brand to promote the film?
The Ill Manors Twitter feed uses the Ill Manors brand to promote the film by having things such as tweets and also retweets from publications made by newspapers, but also notifications as to any notable things happening with the promotion of the film. 

What hashtags are used on the Ill Manors Twitter feed?
#iLLManors, #PlanB, #PlayingWithFire, #Loveit, #RealMovie...

How has the Ill Manors Twitter feed used pictures to help promote the film?
The feed uses pictures to help promote different aspects of the Ill Manors brand whether it be a performance by Plan B/Ben Drew himself, accolades given to the film or people doing things like showing themselves downloading the Ill Manors album.

Find examples of the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in the Ill Manors Twitter feed and explain how they help to target the right audience for the film.
Examples of the TagLondon campaign lie mainly in retweets of posts from a dedicated account called @taglondon. With this we can see that for the campaign alone, the institution developed an account to help promote these tweets on. In addition to this is an actual picture of one of the projections of the tweets near the London eye, perhaps as a way just to encourage more people to post the hashtag.

Ill Manors e-media: website analysis

What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the Ill Manors website homepage screengrab above?

  • Inside the website, it contains many elements of its brand and how it is enhanced towards the public. 
  • Examples of this notion is when the Ill Manors brand on the website screengrab range from the very logo itself to the appearance of characters that starred in the film. 
  • It also has the same sky that we can find in the poster for the film. 
  • This provides synergy within the brand and how it is promoted.

How does the website encourage the audience to buy or interact with Ill Manors products?

  • The website has connections with the genre and the movie's target audience. 
  • Interestingly, the website encourages people to interact with Ill Manors products through their 'buy' section placed on the website. 
  • Also, another important technique used by Ill Manors is when it says 'ON BLU-RAY, DVD, DOWNLOAD AND ON-DEMAND NOW'. 
  • This call the audience to call into action; however more simply in the centre of the page below a window on a house: 'ILL MANORS BUY NOW' which has an evident meaning.

Now look at Plan B's official website. How does it use social media in terms of content and design? Why might the website designers have wanted to create the look and feel of a social networking site?

  • There is many techniques that Ben Drew (Plan B) uses to create a modern look containing the elements of social media to connect with the audience and increase interactivity. 
  • The layout of his website can be said to reflect that of a blog or in fact a social network like Twitter. 
  • This is important as it connects with its audience and what is in demand at the moment. 
  • People can relate with the website and find similarities with Twitter. 
  • This can be said especially with the fact that some of the posts on 'The Wall' are set out in a manner like Twitter - username up top and tweet below.  
  • Interestingly, To top this off is the fact that there is a section called 'The Wall,' something popularised by social networks like Facebook.

Scroll back through the wall to look at posts from around the release date of Ill Manors. How does this statement on Ill Manors link to other texts we have studied as part of this case study? Do you agree with his claim that he "won't justify" the riots? What does this statement suggest about the representation of young people in Plan B's film and music videos?

  • There is many links towards other platforms of e-media. For example, this  links essentially to the TEDx lecture in which Plan B discussed the use of the derogatory term 'chav' by not just members of the public but also newspaper publications. 
  • He discusses the exact same thing here while also talking about him not condoning or justifying the riots. 
  • I agree with the claim he made in the article about this in the sense that through the Ill Manors products what he attempts to do is display the life that a lot of the participants in the riots went through and establish that as somewhat of a cause/reason they did what they did.

Why do you think social media is overtaking official websites in terms of film promotion?

  • Social media is overtaking official websites mainly due to the fact that social media is just a lot more easy to access than them. 
  • Pre-installed on people's phones and something predominantly used everyday, the networks are a perfect place for institutions to promote their products on. 
  • As well as this is the fact that social networks offer most of the features that an official website would to an institution perhaps bar a few customisation options e.g. video and photo uploads.